About Me

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm 40 something and live in Ottawa with my husband. We're from the UK and just spent the last year or so living in Hong Kong. Three very different countries. Right now I'm not sure how this Blog is going to evolve. All I know is that I have missed blogging from my Asia days, so I'm back. My other 2 blogs have felt like they had a distinct purpose, this one feels a bit different. It feels a bit like a blank canvas on which to start writing and just see what evolves, what transpires. This blog is a bit of a magical mystery tour for me. I want to go somewhere but I'm not entirely sure where just yet but perhaps the only way to find out where I want to go is to start moving. In any direction. And see where I end up.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 40

It's Day 40....I did it!

I got up early this morning to practice because as soon as I've posted my blog, we are off to Montreal for the weekend! I've mentioned before that I'm not keen on early morning practice because my body is stiff and it can feel painful and even dangerous to do what I enjoy doing most, so I have to practice with even greater awareness and respect for my body. My back in particular. Today was no exception. It was meditative, gentle and considered. It did feel good to practice before breakfast and start the day in that way but I know I couldn't, or rather wouldn't want to do this every day. I enjoy the flexibility of choosing what I practice and when, depending on my state of body and mind each day. And this is the way I shall continue to practice.....

Thank You Blog and Readers for being here to encourage me, silently or otherwise, giving me the motivation to make it to Day 40 and Beyond.....


Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 39

By the time my late afternoon practice time arrived today, I was holding a lot of tension in my body. It felt good to hold some strong postures and breathe...and breathe some more. Slowly, the tension started to release from various parts of my body. My jaw, my shoulders, my lower back....my mind....

It dawned on me during my practice that both my blogs will conclude this weekend. I made my final post on The Asian Chapter today and tomorrow is Day 40 and the end of this blog. It wasn't intentional, just the way it worked out. I know that I must find another outlet for my thoughts though, as I appear to have become rather fond of blogging. Maybe it's time to journal more, keep the thoughts to myself for a while and see what evolves.

Along with the rest of this side of the world, I awoke to the horrific news from Japan this morning. I always like to dedicate my practice to someone who I feel needs a bit of extra love, strength or compassion and today my thoughts were with Japan. Sending love, light and healing energy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 38

For me, the best thing about having a daily practice is that I get to check in with my body every single day. Not to mention my mind and what sort of thoughts are floating around in there. Not just on the days when I have time to notice or decide to do a yang class because I am feeling strong, or a yin class because I feel the need to go inwards and to be kind to myself, but every day. I have the freedom to choose my practice each day, but in order to do that, I need to be aware of how I am feeling and where I need to be compassionate with myself.  Each time I practice, even if I think I know the answers to these questions at the beginning of my session, by the time I'm done I have usually discovered many new things that I hadn't noticed upon first glance, and I get to leave my mat knowing just a little bit more about myself, in both body and mind.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 37

Today I wasn't feeling 100%. I don't often feel "under the weather" and it wasn't much, nothing serious, it didn't stop me from getting on with my day and my To Do list, but it did mean that by the time 5pm came around, the only yoga I was capable of was restorative. This time, I had the room AND all my props...my set-ups were a bit rusty and in need of some practice, but I think the hour I took, just relaxing and surrendering my body into the support of blankets and bolsters, did me good. I always "plan" to do a weekly restorative session but I'm ashamed to say that has never materialised as a habit.

I do know how beneficial this simple practice can be and yet I rarely invest the time it takes to practice it. As my science teachers always used to write in my school reports..."Caroline could do better"....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 36

Today I enjoyed a mid afternoon yang & yin session, ending with a spot of meditation. And it was just a spot...but it's better than nothing. I've had the thought a few times during meditation recently, that I should meditate more. Seems somewhat unfair to be getting that message during meditation itself, but they do say that this is when our wisdom strikes...when the mind is still and there is space for it to come through.  I'm not making any rash commitments right now, but I am now thinking about a 40 day meditation.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 35

When I started this, it was hard to imagine how Day 35 would feel, it seemed a very long way off!  I'm happy to report that it felt perfectly normal actually. Well, almost. Today was the first day that I practiced in my New yoga space, in the basement. It's still not finished but I am bored of having to make space in a normal living area every day when there is a nearly-finished room just waiting for me... so I dusted it down (the builders don't do cleaning), took my new Buddha from Laos down and found a home for him, cleared the energy and freshened the space up with some invigorating and cleansing essential oils. After all that effort, it was feeling good.

Today I was back to my normal yang practice and my body welcomed it, although it seems Journey Dance does keep you limber, because there was no stiffness in my body today....it felt great!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 34

Today I returned for Day 2 of the Journey Dance workshop which included more yang practice, amongst other things. Thankfully it was much more grounding for me than yesterday though. After yesterday's session, I was left in a rather odd place which left me reluctant to go back for more this morning but as it turns out, I'm thankful for the gentle persuasion that got me back there for part II.

My afternoon yin practice, to balance my earlier yang activity was most welcome and once again, restorative and relaxing. Today my body was happy to receive it and I feel better for it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 33

After 3 hours of Journey Dance...Dancing Through the Chakras this afternoon, I was not up for any more yang activity, so today's practice was a relatively short yin practice.

I'm a total novice when it comes to Journey Dance; this was my first time. It was fun, although totally out of my normal realm of comfort to be honest, so I'm somewhat proud of myself for going and trying something new. It was mostly good, but it did churn up some stuff. Emotional Stuff. Dancing through the chakras will do that I guess. I also suspect that is why my usual relaxing yin sequence felt a bit uncomfortable today. I did my best as ever to stay present with the discomfort and sensations in my body, and I used my breath and my attention to dissipate it and largely that worked for me, but today I confess that I was secretly glad when my final meditation was interrupted by a phone call that I couldn't ignore!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 32

Today's practice was much like yesterday's..and the day before that...in fact, I seem to be developing a regular practice in the content sense. Not that it's identical by any means every day, but there are definitely elements of it that are constant. I like that. My body seems to be learning what it needs to feel healthy and what feels good. This is definitely one of the results I was hoping for!

Happy Friday! :-) 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 31

I have to say, this is feeling like a habit now. I know that I must practice every day, so I do. I was a bit reluctant again today but I knew I just had to get on the mat. Once I did, there was no question about whether I wanted to be there or not and that is a wonderful feeling. Sometimes we don't want to do stuff...we resist, we make excuses. It's human nature. Sometimes our whole being resists and I'm certainly no stranger to that feeling!

I've been wondering if after the 40 days, I will still be able to summon the willpower, that force from within, that has one way or the other, got me on to my yoga mat for the past 31 days. It's so easy to find something else to fill time with, or to simply lose track of time. As for working full time and maintaining a daily practice...right now, I can't imagine how people do that; although I guess at the end of the day, it's all about priorities! I just hope that I can remember that practicing daily gives me strength in all sorts of ways. In body and mind; it helps me feel calmer, less stressed, less angry and my body just feels so much happier too.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 30

I made it on to my mat this morning, for another late morning practice but I was a bit distracted. Some days I just am. To be honest, there are just other things my head would rather be engaged in. Luckily my body is usually willing to surrender to some sort of practice though. Our bodies are wise and usually know best. One of my favourite sayings, both in class and out, is.... "listen to your body".....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 29

My schedule today suggested a late morning practice. Nice...my current yoga space gets the sun in the mornings so it was a cheery place to be at 10.30am after running some errands and shovelling the ice from the path!

It was all good..some yin and some yang to balance me out, but there is no doubt that I need to be more cautious in the mornings. Every day is a new day and my body, even after all this loving yoga, takes a while to truly warm up and feel mobile and ready for what I want it to do on the mat! It's good to feel the difference though as it gives me a deeper awareness of my body and how it's feeling, which in turn allows me to tweak my practice a little so that it's suitable for where my body is, right now.