About Me

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm 40 something and live in Ottawa with my husband. We're from the UK and just spent the last year or so living in Hong Kong. Three very different countries. Right now I'm not sure how this Blog is going to evolve. All I know is that I have missed blogging from my Asia days, so I'm back. My other 2 blogs have felt like they had a distinct purpose, this one feels a bit different. It feels a bit like a blank canvas on which to start writing and just see what evolves, what transpires. This blog is a bit of a magical mystery tour for me. I want to go somewhere but I'm not entirely sure where just yet but perhaps the only way to find out where I want to go is to start moving. In any direction. And see where I end up.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 39

By the time my late afternoon practice time arrived today, I was holding a lot of tension in my body. It felt good to hold some strong postures and breathe...and breathe some more. Slowly, the tension started to release from various parts of my body. My jaw, my shoulders, my lower back....my mind....

It dawned on me during my practice that both my blogs will conclude this weekend. I made my final post on The Asian Chapter today and tomorrow is Day 40 and the end of this blog. It wasn't intentional, just the way it worked out. I know that I must find another outlet for my thoughts though, as I appear to have become rather fond of blogging. Maybe it's time to journal more, keep the thoughts to myself for a while and see what evolves.

Along with the rest of this side of the world, I awoke to the horrific news from Japan this morning. I always like to dedicate my practice to someone who I feel needs a bit of extra love, strength or compassion and today my thoughts were with Japan. Sending love, light and healing energy.

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