It's Day 40....I did it!
I got up early this morning to practice because as soon as I've posted my blog, we are off to Montreal for the weekend! I've mentioned before that I'm not keen on early morning practice because my body is stiff and it can feel painful and even dangerous to do what I enjoy doing most, so I have to practice with even greater awareness and respect for my body. My back in particular. Today was no exception. It was meditative, gentle and considered. It did feel good to practice before breakfast and start the day in that way but I know I couldn't, or rather wouldn't want to do this every day. I enjoy the flexibility of choosing what I practice and when, depending on my state of body and mind each day. And this is the way I shall continue to practice.....
Thank You Blog and Readers for being here to encourage me, silently or otherwise, giving me the motivation to make it to Day 40 and Beyond.....
About Me
- Caroline Chapman
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- I'm 40 something and live in Ottawa with my husband. We're from the UK and just spent the last year or so living in Hong Kong. Three very different countries. Right now I'm not sure how this Blog is going to evolve. All I know is that I have missed blogging from my Asia days, so I'm back. My other 2 blogs have felt like they had a distinct purpose, this one feels a bit different. It feels a bit like a blank canvas on which to start writing and just see what evolves, what transpires. This blog is a bit of a magical mystery tour for me. I want to go somewhere but I'm not entirely sure where just yet but perhaps the only way to find out where I want to go is to start moving. In any direction. And see where I end up.
Congratulations and cheers to your continued practice!