About Me

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm 40 something and live in Ottawa with my husband. We're from the UK and just spent the last year or so living in Hong Kong. Three very different countries. Right now I'm not sure how this Blog is going to evolve. All I know is that I have missed blogging from my Asia days, so I'm back. My other 2 blogs have felt like they had a distinct purpose, this one feels a bit different. It feels a bit like a blank canvas on which to start writing and just see what evolves, what transpires. This blog is a bit of a magical mystery tour for me. I want to go somewhere but I'm not entirely sure where just yet but perhaps the only way to find out where I want to go is to start moving. In any direction. And see where I end up.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 29

My schedule today suggested a late morning practice. Nice...my current yoga space gets the sun in the mornings so it was a cheery place to be at 10.30am after running some errands and shovelling the ice from the path!

It was all good..some yin and some yang to balance me out, but there is no doubt that I need to be more cautious in the mornings. Every day is a new day and my body, even after all this loving yoga, takes a while to truly warm up and feel mobile and ready for what I want it to do on the mat! It's good to feel the difference though as it gives me a deeper awareness of my body and how it's feeling, which in turn allows me to tweak my practice a little so that it's suitable for where my body is, right now.

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