About Me

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm 40 something and live in Ottawa with my husband. We're from the UK and just spent the last year or so living in Hong Kong. Three very different countries. Right now I'm not sure how this Blog is going to evolve. All I know is that I have missed blogging from my Asia days, so I'm back. My other 2 blogs have felt like they had a distinct purpose, this one feels a bit different. It feels a bit like a blank canvas on which to start writing and just see what evolves, what transpires. This blog is a bit of a magical mystery tour for me. I want to go somewhere but I'm not entirely sure where just yet but perhaps the only way to find out where I want to go is to start moving. In any direction. And see where I end up.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15

Today, by the time I came to practice at 5pm my energy levels were unusually low so I chose a 60 minute yin session, working with the kidney meridian which is associated mainly with the spine on a physical level and the balance between fear & wisdom on the emotional level.  Deficient kidney chi can reveal itself in many ways, but an obvious one is a weakened immune system, and I feel I have been fighting the start of a cold for the last 24 hours, so I'm hoping this will help counteract that.

Energy levels certainly have improved since my session, so hopefully coupled with an early night, it will do the trick!

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