Day 6 falls on a Sunday.
Even when my practice was more regular than it's been of late, I have always been a bit reluctant to practice on a Sunday. I think it's a mixture of having lots of other fun things to do, being out and about because it's the weekend and because Sunday is traditionally a bit of a lazy day, if you spend it at home.
Today I've been at home, and yes I've been doing "stuff" but it does feel like a bit of a lazy Sunday. By 4pm my mat was definitely calling me, after all, I made a commitment to myself, but it was definitely more of a struggle to get on it today. I made it though. At 5.30pm for an hour. Given the pace of my day and my slight reluctance I opted for a whole hour of yin yoga, working specifically with the spleen/stomach meridian. I do love my yin practice and it is the style that I have been most loyal to this past year. I've needed the sense of calm that it brings and the stillness. Today I didn't "need" it, but it was most welcome and I feel even better than I did an hour ago.
Just another reminder that it is always beneficial to make that extra my teachers used to say during my training..."just get on the mat..."
About Me
- Caroline Chapman
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- I'm 40 something and live in Ottawa with my husband. We're from the UK and just spent the last year or so living in Hong Kong. Three very different countries. Right now I'm not sure how this Blog is going to evolve. All I know is that I have missed blogging from my Asia days, so I'm back. My other 2 blogs have felt like they had a distinct purpose, this one feels a bit different. It feels a bit like a blank canvas on which to start writing and just see what evolves, what transpires. This blog is a bit of a magical mystery tour for me. I want to go somewhere but I'm not entirely sure where just yet but perhaps the only way to find out where I want to go is to start moving. In any direction. And see where I end up.
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